What is Print Spooler error?

First of all, Print Spooler is a type of service that is initially integrated into your system and implements the function of sending printing queues to the printer server. Therefore, it is responsible for running multiple printing jobs correctly without setbacks. However, there has been a couple of users repeatedly facing different printer-related issues.

Here is a set of most popular issues people commonly encounter with:

  • Print spooler error 1068
  • Print spooler error 1067
  • Local print spooler service is not running
  • Print spooler error 0x800706b9

Actually, it does not matter which one you are currently facing because all of these errors are typically caused by other services that might not be working properly. The main dependency usually lies in RPC (Remote Procedure Control) services that play a significant role in printing. Therefore, it is more likely that you are facing this error because RPC is either malfunctioned or not started at all. Although, with our help, it will not be a big struggle to fix this problem with the full kit of radical solutions that are mentioned in the article below. Note that these methods are capable of solving all sorts of above-mentioned errors.

1. Fix it automatically

There is a number of free repairing software that is capable of fixing the issue. We recommend using Advanced System Repair Pro that has been showing an excellent job at rectifying these kinds of errors. By using accurate algorithms, it scans your device for vulnerabilities that might be provoking this problem and automatically fix them. In the contemporary world, the development of utilities has alleviated our lives tremendously and Advanced System Repair Pro is an absolute testament towards it.

Download Windows Repair Tool

Download Windows Repair Tool

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There are special repair utilities for Windows, that can solve problems related to registry corruption, file system malfunction, Windows drivers instability. We recommend you to use Advanced System Repair Pro to fix “Print Spooler” errors in Windows 10.

2. Check if every dependency service is running

As mentioned above, Print Spooler needs other additional services that are necessary for executing the job. Not excluded that one of the related services stopped running for some reason and needs to be rebooted. Here is how you can do this:

  1. Press Windows key + R combination and paste services.msc.
  2. Then find Print Spooler service and right-click on it.
  3. In the drop-down menu select Properties.
  4. In the opened window, go to Dependencies and look at which services are required.
  5. After that find each service in the list and check whether everything is working. If not, right-click on the service(s) and select Start button.
  6. Even if everything is set up, try to restart them by right-clicking and choosing Restart button.

Finally, you can check if this method solved the popping error.

3. Run Printer TroubleShooter

If the previous method did not help, then you can try another radical action which is Printer TroubleShooter. It is a built-in function that allows users to scan your device for the issues and potentially eliminate them. This is how to run it:

  1. Left-click on the Start Menu button in the bottom left corner of the screen and choose Settings. Or use Windows key + I combination.
  2. Then select Update & Security.
  3. In the opened tab, go to the left-pane menu, find and click Troubleshoot.
  4. After that find Printer and click on it.
  5. In the drop-down click on the Run the TroubleShoot button.
  6. Let Windows scan for the issues and fix them. After finished, restart your pc and try to print again.

4. Restart Print Spooler services via Command Prompt

  1. In the searching tab next to the Start Menu type cmd.
  2. Then right-click on Command Prompt and choose Run as administrator.
  3. In the opened window paste these commands one-by-one and click Enter after each command:

  4. net stop spooler
    del /Q /F /S "%systemroot%\System32\Spool\Printers\*.*"
    net start spooler

  5. Ultimately, your services have been restored and enable printing without the following errors.

5. Update drivers

It is also possible that you have not been updating Printer drivers for too long. Obsolete drivers may not be supported and not be compatible with your printer. If you are not sure whether you have fresh drivers installed, then do the steps below:

  1. Left-click on the Start Menu button and choose Device Manager.
  2. Find Printer devices, right-click on it and choose Update driver.
  3. Let Windows search for new drivers and download them by following the upcoming instructions.

Restart your computer and see if anything has changed after updating. If not, go to the next method below.

You can also use the IOBit Driver Booster utility that is able to scan your device for the lacking drivers and immediately replace them with the newest.

Download Driver Booster

6. Disable the “Allow service to interact with desktop” option

Rarely, but still possible that Printer Spooler stops working properly due to enabled permission to interact with desktop. Thus, you can try and disable this option to see what happens afterward:

  1. Press Windows key + R combination and paste services.msc.
  2. Then find Print Spooler service and right-click on it.
  3. In the drop-down menu select Properties.
  4. Then go to the Log on menu. Locate Allow service to interact with desktop option and disable it if needed.

Once finished, close the window and try to print something out.


Print Spooler problems are pretty common and can be easily eliminated by following the above steps. I hope that this article has finally helped you resolve this annoying error and allowed you to print multiple sessions as a result. Whilst this article is dedicated to Windows 10, this issue can also be solved on older versions by using the same methods.