What is “I’ve Got Access to Your Smartphone” e-mail spam

Receiving an email that claims, “I’ve Got Access to Your Smartphone,” can be a shocking experience, often designed to instill fear and urgency in the recipient. This type of email spam typically threatens individuals by stating that hackers have gained control of their devices, including access to cameras and microphones, and demands a ransom payment to avoid exposure of sensitive information. Spam campaigns usually operate by sending mass emails to a wide range of addresses, utilizing techniques such as social engineering to personalize messages and make them appear credible. While simply opening these emails does not infect computers, they often contain malicious links or attachments that, when clicked or downloaded, can install malware. This malware can include ransomware, spyware, or trojans, which can compromise personal data and system integrity. Spam campaigns often exploit vulnerabilities in email systems or user behavior, such as downloading unverified software or clicking on dubious links, to execute their attacks. Consequently, being vigilant about unexpected emails and practicing good cybersecurity hygiene is essential for preventing infections from such scams.

I’ve Got Access to Your Smartphone e-mail spam

E-mail contents
Email text
Hey, so you’re the new face around here, huh?
I’m not messing around, buddy. You need to read this email carefully. Take a moment, collect yourself, and absorb the information. We’re discussing our agreement, and I need you to be on the same page.
ready? and now knock it into your stupid head and remember.
Wake the hell up, you imbecile! You’ve been a bit careless lately, scrolling through those photos of girls and clicking on links, stumbling upon some not-so-safe sites. Let’s talk about safety, shall we? Or rather, the lack thereof.
Here’s the lowdown: now I’ve got access to your smartphone, and I’ve seen it all. Yeah, Yeah, I’ve got footage of you jerking off in the bathroom, in your room (nice setup, by the way)
Because you’ve been screwing around on those seedy sites, I’ve managed to snatch up some juicy intel about your device, giving me full-blown control over it. I can spy on everything happening on your screen, flip on your camera and mic, and you wouldn’t know a damn thing. Oh, and I’ve got access to all your emails, contacts, and social media accounts too.
Been keeping tabs on your pathetic existence for a while now. Extracted quite a bit of juicy info from your system. Got videos and screenshots where on one side of the screen, there’s whatever you’re watching, and on the other, your blissful face. With just a click, I can send this filth to every single one of your contacts.
You ain’t got a clue about this, and it never even crossed your mind. My moves are slick, and the embedded code keeps refreshing every 30 minutes, so your antivirus software remains none the wiser.
I feel your worry and confusion.That video was straight up blunt, and I can’t even wrap my head around the humiliation you’ll face when your crew, your buddies, and your kin peep it out. But you know what? It’s life, bro.
Let’s put our heads together, figure out how to fix this mess.
I could wipe the slate clean and forget you ever existed, but I’m gonna need some motivation to make it happen. How about dropping a grand into my bitcoin wallet? $1000 bro!
At this bitcoin address: 1D9eR99TD5EzQ3tnzsHofvHsBnWCWSxK7w
Once you pay up, you’ll sleep like a baby. I keep my word.
Pay attention, I’m telling you straight: ‘We gotta make a deal’. I want you to know I’m coming at you with good intentions. I’ll keep my end of the bargain and wipe everything clean once you come through with the payment. My program will sniff out that Bitcoin payment and erase all the dirt I got on you. Don’t waste your time replying to this, it’s useless. The email and wallet are made just for you, untraceable. I don’t mess up, buddy.
And trust me, I’ve been thinking about my own privacy and safety. If I catch a whiff that you’ve shared this message with anyone else (like if it shows up on some other device), that video’s going straight to all your contacts.
And don’t even think about trying to switch off your phone or reset it to factory settings. It’s futile. Everything you need is in my hands, under my control.
You got 5-6 hours to get it sorted. I’m giving you plenty of time to think it over and do what’s right by our agreement. I’m expecting that payment.
Don’t take it personally. Think of it as a little life advice and be more vigilant in the future.
Honestly, those online tips about covering your camera aren’t as useless as they seem.
Good luck with that. Farewell.

Risks of interacting with “I’ve Got Access to Your Smartphone” e-mail spam

Interacting with the “I’ve Got Access to Your Smartphone” email spam poses significant risks that can compromise your personal security and privacy. Responding to these emails can lead to a cascade of potential threats, including identity theft, phishing attempts, and further harassment from scammers. Many of these emails are crafted to evoke fear and urgency, pushing recipients to take hasty actions, such as paying ransoms or clicking on malicious links. By engaging with the content, you risk exposing your email address to additional spam campaigns or even giving cybercriminals an opportunity to deploy malware on your device. Moreover, the act of paying a ransom does not guarantee that the scammers will cease their threats; instead, it can encourage them to target you again or extend their reach to other potential victims. To protect yourself, it’s crucial to remain vigilant, report such emails, and avoid any interaction that could jeopardize your safety.

  1. Download Anti-Spam and Anti-Malware Tools
  2. Mark unwanted e-mail messages as Spam
  3. Delete Spam letters
  4. Unsubscribe from e-mail campaigns
  5. Change your e-mail address and forward it
  6. Final tips

1. Download Anti-Spam Tool

There are special programs designed to protect yourself against various threats arriving at e-mail. Third-party software providing advanced anti-spam algorithms and filtering tools will be good and more reliable protection in addition to the standard capabilities of many e-mail services. One of the world leaders in anti-spam protection is MailWasher Pro. It works with various desktop applications and provides a very high level of anti-spam protection and can stop “I’ve Got Access to Your Smartphone” e-mail scam.

Download MailWasher Pro

2. Download Anti-Malware Tool

To make sure there are no malware already installed on your PC you should check it with advanced antimalware. Even if you have standard anti-virus protection, scan with quality anti-malware can be helpful as it has different database and algorithms designed to find and remove viruses and bloatware wide-spread among regular users. We recommend Malwarebytes Anti-Malware:

Download Malwarebytes

1. Mark e-mail as Spam

If an e-mail message has not been put to the “spam” or “junk” folder itself, then users can do it themselves in just a couple of steps. Marking e-mail as spam will let your e-mail service know how to treat the unwanted sender next time. All further messages received from the spam-marked address will be located in the appropriate folder already without your help. Here is how:


  1. Open your Gmail and find a message you want to classify as “spam”.
  2. Select this message by clicking on the square box next to it.
  3. Then, click on the stop sign icon (the one with an exclamation mark) on top.

Yahoo! Mail:

  1. Open your Yahoo! Mail and find a message you want to classify as “spam”.
  2. Select this message by clicking on the square box next to it.
  3. Then, click on the Spam icon on top.

Microsoft Outlook:

  1. Open your Microsoft Outlook and find a message you want to classify as “spam”.
  2. Select this message by clicking on the square box next to it.
  3. Then, click on Junk and Block afterward.

Apple Mail:

  1. Open your Apple Mail and find a message you want to classify as “spam”.
  2. Click on it and choose the Junk Mail (trash can with “X”) icon.

2. Delete Spam letters

You can also clear your “spam” or “junk” folder from all the collected such letters. It is always good to maintain your e-mail clean and without trash that clutters even your spam folders. This is how you can wipe it:


  1. Open your Gmail and go to Spam on sidebar.
  2. If you want to wipe all the spam letters at once, click Delete All Spam Messages Now.
  3. If you want to do it selectively, click on the message you need and choose Delete forever.

Yahoo! Mail:

  1. Open your Yahoo! Mail and navigate to Spam on the sidebar.
  2. Choose e-mails you want to remove and click Delete on top.

Microsoft Outlook:

  1. Open your Microsoft Outlook and navigate to Junk Email on the sidebar.
  2. Then, click on Empty folder to clear all spam messages.

Apple Mail:

  1. Open your Apple Mail and navigate to Spam on the sidebar.
  2. Choose e-mails you want to remove and click the Trash can icon on top.

3. Unsubscribe from e-mail campaigns

Many websites offer users to enter their e-mail address in exchange for exclusive content notifications, and tons of other marketing stuff. Over some time, regular users can subscribe to multiple resources that bombard your inbox and spam folder with continuous messages. This can be stopped by unsubscribing to them. Many messages, if opened, have a small gray hyperlink or button “Unsubscribe”. Clicking on it should unsubscribe you from letters you have been receiving for some time. Note that some intentionally malicious letters may use fake “Unsubscribe” buttons to deceive users into downloading malware or visiting suspicious pages. Therefore, remember to always stay on alert!

You can also do the following to unsubscribe to multiple newsletters in Gmail at once:

  1. Open your Gmail and type Unsubscribe into the search box on top.
  2. Then, click on the Show search options icon on the right end of the search box.
  3. Click on Create filter and select checkboxes next to Delete it and Apply filter to matching conversations.
  4. After selecting, finish by clicking on Create filter.

This will lead to all previously subscribed messages evaporating from your flood list in seconds. No more letters of such will appear in your Inbox or other folders again.

4. Change your e-mail address and forward it

It is sometimes hard to get rid of all spam in case of an e-mail breach. Receiving unreasonably high numbers of spam could mean your e-mail was leaked to large masses of spamming campaigns grateful to use it. Victims of this can quite easily avoid it by creating a new e-mail address and forwarding incoming e-mails from their old address. Don’t worry, this will not redirect abnormal streams of spam to this new address, but only normal messages you received on your behalf. It is also worth notifying people you had close contact with that you changed your e-mail address, so they do not get scared after receiving a message from an unknown address.

  1. First, you should begin with creating a new account for the e-mail service you use (Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, or Apple Mail).
  2. Then, log back into your old account, go to Settings and Add a forwarding address. In Gmail, these settings can be found in the Forwarding POP/IMAP tab. Something similar should be in other services as well.
  3. Enter the newly created e-mail address and click Next > Proceed > OK.
  4. You will then receive a verification message in that newly created address. Make sure you click on it.

If you also want to forward a copy of already existing e-mails, do the following:

  1. Go back to the settings page for the Gmail account you want to forward messages from, and refresh your browser.
  2. Navigate to Forwarding and POP/IMAP and select Forward a copy of incoming mail to.
  3. Choose what you want to happen with the Gmail copy of your emails. It is recommended to choose Keep Gmail’s copy in the Inbox. Click Save changes at the end.

All done and dusted! Now, all new messages tied to the previous e-mail will be sent to your new address.

Final tips

There is always a good practice to have personal and business e-mail accounts separately. If you are active on forums, Q&A sites, participate in link building you will probably need another account for that. Major e-mail services and applications like Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, Apple Mail and Outlook already have strong built-in anti-spam technologies, however, we recommend special software like MailWasher Pro to fight spam campaigns like “I’ve Got Access to Your Smartphone”.

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James Kramer
Hello, I'm James. My website Bugsfighter.com, a culmination of a decade's journey in the realms of computer troubleshooting, software testing, and development. My mission here is to offer you comprehensive, yet user-friendly guides across a spectrum of topics in this niche. Should you encounter any challenges with the software or the methodologies I endorse, please know that I am readily accessible for assistance. For any inquiries or further communication, feel free to reach out through the 'Contacts' page. Your journey towards seamless computing starts here