What is “Summon To Court For Pedophilia” e-mail spam

Summon To Court For Pedophilia” is one of the countless fake e-mail spam messages attempting to convince users they have been accused of doing some illegal activity. This specific spam campaign pretends to be a government entity that summons “offenders” to show up in court and participate in the judicial process related to pedophilia crimes. This fake e-mail has mainly been distributed in two versions – one in French and another in Lithuanian, English, and Dutch (note that other versions may be as well). The subject titles that these e-mails included were often “Fwd_ N°5326EU-FR2022 PROCÈS VOUS CONCERNANT..eml” and “šaukimas į teismą Nr. 9941/2022.”. Cybercriminals behind such e-mails use a number of visual elements to convince the recipients, such as images and logos of official governmental bodies, highlighted text lines, deadlines, and so forth. They accuse recipients of being involved in pedophilia, sex trafficking, child pornography, and other crimes, which must be justified within 72 hours unless recipients want to bear severe consequences. Please note that the information stated in such e-mail is completely fake and propagated by threat actors themselves, not by governmental bodies or any other kinds of legitimate entities. The goal of cybercriminals who spread such e-mails is simply to trick users into contacting them. Afterwards, swindlers might ask to provide sensitive and private information, pay “fines”, or perform other actions. Thus, it is important to ignore such e-mails and do not do what they say. In addition, you should never open links or attachments from such letters as they can be designed to distribute malware infections and other potentially dangerous content. Read our guide to learn other dangers of e-mail spam messages and aversion techniques against them.

summon to court for pedophilia e-mail spam

Dangers that e-mail scams like “Summon To Court For Pedophilia” may create

There is an infinite number of e-mail spam/scam messages circulating around the web and some of them pursue different goals. Apart from attempting to scam or steal sensitive information of users, like “Summon To Court For Pedophilia” does, some are designed to trick inexperienced users into downloading and installing malware (via malicious attachments or links). Such spam messages often impersonate legitimate names of popular companies (e.g, Amazon, Netflix, DropBox, DPD, FedEx, McAfee, OpenSea, etc.) and trick users into downloading malicious attachments (e.g. Microsoft Office documents, PDFs, Archives, Executables, JavaScript, etc.) or opening links in order to “Renew the Expired Subscription”, “Track your parcel”, “Remove detected threats”, and perform other fake actions. Complying with the demands of such messages will most likely lead to pages that require log-in credentials and steal them upon their input or download devastating malware (like ransomware that encrypts access to data). Thus, it is important to avoid interacting with suspicious and potentially dangerous letters that are delivered to your e-mail. Do not trust what they say and better delete them completely. We also encourage you to follow our full-fledged guide below for more practical tips on how to avoid and protect yourself against such scam threats in the future.

Spam e-mail (French version)Spam e-mail (Lithuanian version)Spam e-mail (English version)
Subject: Fwd_ N°5326EU-FR2022 PROCÈS VOUS CONCERNANT..eml
Vous trouverez en pièces jointes
Bien cordialement
Mr Christian RODRIGUEZ
Directeur général de la gendarmerie nationale
TEL:+33 6 44 66 00 73
MAIL :gendarmerienationale545@gmail.com
Pou r les nécessités d'une enquête judiciaire (Article 390-1 du Code de procédure pénale)
À votre attention
À la demande de Madame. Catherine DE BOLLE commissaire générale de la police fédérale, élue au poste de Directrice d'Europol " Brigade de protection des mineurs (BPM) " nous vous adressons cette convocation. La COPJ ou convocation par officier de police judiciaire est prévue par l'article 390-1 du Code de Procédure Pénale. Elle vaut citation devant le Tribunal et est décidée par le Procureur de la République. En application des dispositions de l'article 372 du code pénal énonce : " Tout attentat à la pudeur commis sans violences ni menaces sur la personne ou à l'aide de la personne d'un enfant de l'un ou de l'autre sexe, âgé de moins de 16 ans accomplis, sera puni de la réclusion. L'article 227-23 du Code pénal dispose : « Le fait, en vue de sa diffusion, de fixer. d'enregistrer ou de transmettre l'image ou la représentation d'un mineur lorsque cette image ou cette représentation présente un caractère pornographique est puni de cinq ans d'emprisonnement et de 75 000 Euros d'amende. Nous engageons à votre encontre, des poursuites judiciaires peu après une saisie informatique de la Cyber-infiltration pour :
- Pédopornographie
- Pédophilie
- Exhibitionnisme
- Cyber pornographie
- Trafic sexuel
Pour votre information. la loi 390-1 du Code de procédure pénale de mars 2007 aggrave les peines lorsque les propositions. les agressions sexuelles ou les viols ont pu être commis en recourant à internet. Vous avez commis l'infraction après avoir été ciblé sur internet (site d'annonce), visualisation de vidéo à caractère pédopornographique . des photos/vidéos dénudées de mineur ont été enregistrées par notre cyber-gendarme et constituent les preuves de vos infractions.
Dans un souci de confidentialité nous vous adressons cet e-mail. vous êtes prié de vous faire entendre par mail en écrivant vos justifications pour qu'elles soient mises en examen et vérifiées afin d'évaluer les sanctions : cela dans un délai strict de 72 heures. Passé ce délai. nous nous verrons dans l'obligation de transmettre notre rapport à Mme Maryvonne CAILLIBOTTE. Procureur de la République de Versailles pour établir un mandat d'arrêt à votre encontre et nous procéderons à votre arrestation immédiate par la gendarmerie la plus proche de votre Lieu de résidence et vous serez fiché au registre national des délinquants sexuels. Dans ce cas. votre dossier sera également transmis aux associations de lutte contre la pédophilie et aux medias pour publication de personne fiché au RN DS.
Mr. Christian RODRIGUEZ,
Directeur général de la Gendarmerie Nationale
MAIL :gendarmerienationale545@gmail.com
Adresse : 4 rue Claude-Bernard 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux

Subject: šaukimas į teismą Nr. 9941/2022
Pridedamas su jumis susijęs šaukimas į teismą.
Algirdas MATONIS
Lietuvos Kriminalinės Policijos Biuro Vadovas
Tarptautinio Policijos Bendradarbiavimo Vadovas
Policijos Generalinis Direktoratas
Teisminio tyrimo reikmėms
Esu Algirdams MATONIS, Lietuvos kriminalinės policijos biuro vadovas ir Tarptautinio policijos bendradarbiavimo (INTERPOL) vadovas.
Po kibernetinių infiltracijų konfiskavimo, bendradarbiaudamas su Nacionaliniu pornografijos, vaikų pornografijos ir "Cybercast" svetainių vaizdų analizės (CNAIP) ir Tarptautinės kriminalinės policijos organizacijos (INTERPOL) analizės tarnyba, susisiekiau su jumis, kad praneščiau, jog jums taikomas tam tikras teisinis procesas, įskaitant:
Kviečiame būti išklausytam el. paštu šiuo adresu, užrašykite savo pagrindimus, kad juos būtų galima ištirti ir audituoti, kad būtų galima įvertinti nuobaudas; tai per griežtą 72 valandų laikotarpį.
pasibaigus nustatytam terminui, mes persiųsime jūsų bylą prokurorui, atsakingam už jūsų bylą, kad išduotume jūsų arešto orderį.
Todėl būsite užregistruotas kaip seksualinis nusikaltėlis, o jūsų byla taip pat bus nusiųsta žiniasklaidai, kad jūsų veiksmai būtų išplatinti plačiajai visuomenei, kad būtų išvengta pakartotinio nusižengimo ir taip atgrasyti kitus kandidatus nuo šios praktikos.
Dabar jūs esate įspėtas.
DG. Algirdas Matonis

Creation 1er juillet 1999
Siege Eisenhoweriaan 73
Drapeau : Pays-Bas La Haye
Coordonnees 52 " 05" 34" N, 4" 16' 53" E
Employes 1065 (decembre 2016)1
Budget annuel € 116.4 millions (2017)2
Ministre responsable Drapeau de la France Jean-Philippe Lecouffe (Directeur Executif Adjoint)
Eisenhoweriaan 73 Drapeau : Pays-Bas La Haye
I am Mr. Jean-Philippe LECOUFFE, Executive Director of the European Police Office (Europol) and Director of the European Cybercrime Centre. I am contacting you due to a computer seizure of CYBER INFILTRATION, which is authorized in a particular in the fields of:
We have intercepted communications and collected material elements incriminating you.
A formal indictment file for the above-mentioned serious facts has been established.
This is a summons to which you must respond immediately by e-mail:
You are requested to contact us with your justifications in writing so that it can be examined and verified in order to assess the sanctions, within 72 hours of receiving this message.
After this period, we will be obliged to obtain an arrest warrant from the Public Prosecutor with immediate effect and to report you to all European law enforcement agencies. You will also be registered in the European Registered of Sexual Offenders, and your details and photography will be sent to associations and child protection organizations as well as to the mass media (press, radio, television ...) for wide dissemination as provided for by the legislation in force.
You are now warned.
Jean-Philippe LECOUFFE
  1. Download Anti-Spam and Anti-Malware Tools
  2. Mark unwanted e-mail messages as Spam
  3. Delete Spam letters
  4. Unsubscribe from e-mail campaigns
  5. Change your e-mail address and forward it
  6. Final tips

1. Download Anti-Spam Tool

There are special programs designed to protect yourself against various threats arriving at e-mail. Third-party software providing advanced anti-spam algorithms and filtering tools will be good and more reliable protection in addition to the standard capabilities of many e-mail services. One of the world leaders in anti-spam protection is MailWasher Pro. It works with various desktop applications and provides a very high level of anti-spam protection and can stop “Summon To Court For Pedophilia” e-mail scam.

Download MailWasher Pro

2. Download Anti-Malware Tool

To make sure there are no malware already installed on your PC you should check it with advanced antimalware. Even if you have standard anti-virus protection, scan with quality anti-malware can be helpful as it has different database and algorithms designed to find and remove viruses and bloatware wide-spread among regular users. We recommend Malwarebytes Anti-Malware:

Download Malwarebytes

1. Mark e-mail as Spam

If an e-mail message has not been put to the “spam” or “junk” folder itself, then users can do it themselves in just a couple of steps. Marking e-mail as spam will let your e-mail service know how to treat the unwanted sender next time. All further messages received from the spam-marked address will be located in the appropriate folder already without your help. Here is how:


  1. Open your Gmail and find a message you want to classify as “spam”.
  2. Select this message by clicking on the square box next to it.
  3. Then, click on the stop sign icon (the one with an exclamation mark) on top.

Yahoo! Mail:

  1. Open your Yahoo! Mail and find a message you want to classify as “spam”.
  2. Select this message by clicking on the square box next to it.
  3. Then, click on the Spam icon on top.

Microsoft Outlook:

  1. Open your Yahoo! Mail and find a message you want to classify as “spam”.
  2. Select this message by clicking on the square box next to it.
  3. Then, click on Junk and Block afterward.

Apple Mail:

  1. Open your Apple Mail and find a message you want to classify as “spam”.
  2. Click on it and choose the Junk Mail (trash can with “X”) icon.

2. Delete Spam letters

You can also clear your “spam” or “junk” folder from all the collected such letters. It is always good to maintain your e-mail clean and without trash that clutters even your spam folders. This is how you can wipe it:


  1. Open your Gmail and go to Spam on sidebar.
  2. If you want to wipe all the spam letters at once, click Delete All Spam Messages Now.
  3. If you want to do it selectively, click on the message you need and choose Delete forever.

Yahoo! Mail:

  1. Open your Yahoo! Mail and navigate to Spam on the sidebar.
  2. Choose e-mails you want to remove and click Delete on top.

Microsoft Outlook:

  1. Open your Microsoft Outlook and navigate to Junk Email on the sidebar.
  2. Then, click on Empty folder to clear all spam messages.

Apple Mail:

  1. Open your Apple Mail and navigate to Spam on the sidebar.
  2. Choose e-mails you want to remove and click the Trash can icon on top.

3. Unsubscribe from e-mail campaigns

Many websites offer users to enter their e-mail address in exchange for exclusive content notifications, and tons of other marketing stuff. Over some time, regular users can subscribe to multiple resources that bombard your inbox and spam folder with continuous messages. This can be stopped by unsubscribing to them. Many messages, if opened, have a small gray hyperlink or button “Unsubscribe”. Clicking on it should unsubscribe you from letters you have been receiving for some time. Note that some intentionally malicious letters may use fake “Unsubscribe” buttons to deceive users into downloading malware or visiting suspicious pages. Therefore, remember to always stay on alert!

You can also do the following to unsubscribe to multiple newsletters in Gmail at once:

  1. Open your Gmail and type Unsubscribe into the search box on top.
  2. Then, click on the Show search options icon on the right end of the search box.
  3. Click on Create filter and select checkboxes next to Delete it and Apply filter to matching conversations.
  4. After selecting, finish by clicking on Create filter.

This will lead to all previously subscribed messages evaporating from your flood list in seconds. No more letters of such will appear in your Inbox or other folders again.

4. Change your e-mail address and forward it

It is sometimes hard to get rid of all spam in case of an e-mail breach. Receiving unreasonably high numbers of spam could mean your e-mail was leaked to large masses of spamming campaigns grateful to use it. Victims of this can quite easily avoid it by creating a new e-mail address and forwarding incoming e-mails from their old address. Don’t worry, this will not redirect abnormal streams of spam to this new address, but only normal messages you received on your behalf. It is also worth notifying people you had close contact with that you changed your e-mail address, so they do not get scared after receiving a message from an unknown address.

  1. First, you should begin with creating a new account for the e-mail service you use (Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, or Apple Mail).
  2. Then, log back into your old account, go to Settings and Add a forwarding address. In Gmail, these settings can be found in the Forwarding POP/IMAP tab. Something similar should be in other services as well.
  3. Enter the newly created e-mail address and click Next > Proceed > OK.
  4. You will then receive a verification message in that newly created address. Make sure you click on it.

If you also want to forward a copy of already existing e-mails, do the following:

  1. Go back to the settings page for the Gmail account you want to forward messages from, and refresh your browser.
  2. Navigate to Forwarding and POP/IMAP and select Forward a copy of incoming mail to.
  3. Choose what you want to happen with the Gmail copy of your emails. It is recommended to choose Keep Gmail’s copy in the Inbox. Click Save changes at the end.

All done and dusted! Now, all new messages tied to the previous e-mail will be sent to your new address.

Final tips

There is always a good practice to have personal and business e-mail accounts separately. If you are active on forums, Q&A sites, participate in link building you will probably need another account for that. Major e-mail services and applications like Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, Apple Mail and Outlook already have strong built-in anti-spam technologies, however, we recommend special software like MailWasher Pro to fight spam campaigns like “Summon To Court For Pedophilia”.

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James Kramer
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