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Get rid of annoying pop-ups, ads, deals in your browsers. Complete instructions for different adware pop ups.

How to remove Mr Beast Giveaway pop-up scam

In this context, Mr Beast Giveaway is a browser-based scam delivered to users via suspicious links and advertised content. Once visited, the dubious page claims every user subscribed to the Mr. Beast channel will get a reward of 1000$. Some users may be easily tricked into believing it is actually true as this Youtuber is particularly known for giving out a lot of money. Despite this, such a page has nothing related to the original 64+M channel held by Jimmy Donaldson a.k.a. Mr. Beast. Regardless, in order to claim your non-existing prize, developers ask you to click on the "CLAIM REWARD" button. This will open the page with sponsored software that has to be downloaded by users. In fact, this is a trick meant to force inexperienced people into downloading unwanted or even malicious software. Then, it is necessary to enter your PayPal e-mail address and wait for the upcoming reward within a couple of minutes. Apparently, there is no prize coming around, instead, the downloaded software is more likely to start tracking computer activity or install other malware like trojans, crypto miners, ransomware, and so forth. Meeting requests of scam pages is likely to end up dramatic for the health of your PC. Thus, in case you appear the victim or post-scam ramifications, we have a guide dedicated to removing any unwanted or malicious presence that could get on your PC right below.

How to remove Custom Search extension

Custom Search ( is an unwanted browser extension combining the traits of adware and browser hijackers. The reason for that lies in its post-installation behavior - it changes the default search engine and homepage address to and also starts generating additional ads using virtual layers. Many search engines promoted by browser hijackers are fake - they are unable to provide unique and authentic search results. This is why they use legitimate engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing to display results and earn money on illegal traffic. Adware is a type of software designed to promote various pop-ups, ads, buttons, and coupons which redirect to suspicious or even dangerous websites. Custom Search may use such capabilities to earn extra commissions on visits from affiliated websites. Although the removal of such extensions should be quite primitive, it is not always like this. Developers behind unwanted software may install additional settings preventing users from easy removal. As evidence of this, you can see a message like "Managed by your organization" or "Custom Search is controlling this setting" in the browser menu. Thus, if you are struggling to get rid of this adware-hijacker, follow our tutorial below.

How to remove SHIBA (SHIB) Giveaway pop-up scam

SHIBA (SHIB) Giveaway is presented as a legitimate giveaway campaign meant to globalize the use of Shiba Inu, a cryptocurrency supported by Elon Musk. In fact, this is a pure scam intended to extort money from naive people. The Giveaway website claims it will double your coins right after you send them. The amount of coins that can be sent is between 200,000,000 SHIB to 15,000,000,000 SHIB. In dollars, this is 3,000 - 200,000 $. Users are unable to send small amounts of money to test if this scheme actually works. This instantly says they cannot be trusted and should be avoided no matter how attractive it seems. It is less likely that somebody will throw money like this just because there is nothing to profit from. The total giveaway pool is 1 trillion Shiba Inu coins - about 30 Million dollars. Websites like this are very popular across the entire web. Users can be redirected to them after clicking on dubious ads, buttons, or links that are located on unreliable pages. In this case, it is enough to close the page and prevent yourself from getting baited into a scam. However, if you see scam pages like SHIBA (SHIB) Giveaway each time at browser setup, this means some unwanted program like adware or browser hijacker has brought new values into your system to display the page. Users infected with unwanted software experience a number of browsing problems. Sessions may be accompanied by unexpected redirects, overwhelming amounts of ads, and other suspicious content that diminish your usage significantly. In addition, potentially unwanted programs may also stealthily track what you do on the internet. Passwords, IP-addresses, Banking credentials, and other valuable information can be captured and used by cybercriminals for personal benefit in the future. Therefore, it is important to detect and remove it from your system as soon as possible. Our guide below will help you do this.

How to remove “Congratulations Dear Amazon Customer” pop-up scam

Congratulations Dear Amazon Customer is a fake lottery message stating that you have won a prize. Developers push this scam under the name of Amazon to make gullible users believe it is true. A range of prizes (iPhone 11 PRO, Samsung Galaxy Tab, etc.) looks very attractive to click the "Start" button, however, this will drop you over to another suspicious page that may ask you to give private data. It can be therefore asked to enter your home address and other confidential data that can be sold over the web. Furthermore, if you receive scam pop-ups on a regular basis, this can be a sign of adware lurking in system settings. The presence of such software can endanger your privacy because it can gather IP-addresses, passwords, geolocations, and other confidential data. Notifications like "Congratulations Dear Amazon Customer" cannot be trusted and should be avoided to prevent data leaks. You can use our free guide below to get rid of constant redirects and establish further protection against similar threats.

How to remove

On the original basis, is a legitimate bookmaker company allowing its clients to bet money on various sports. However, some cybercriminals may also create clones (e.g. of the original website impersonating its traits to fool users into depositing their funds. Redirects to both authentic and fake websites via ads, buttons, or links scattered around third-party websites. Users may also get notification pop-ups on their desktop redirecting to such websites due to adware infection. Adware is usually a small application able to change browser and startup settings to display dubious ads on a PC. If you are facing weird computer behavior along with a continuous display of undesirable websites like or its clones, then follow our tutorial below to remove the infection and restore your safety.

How to remove “You’ve Made The 5-billionth Search” pop-up scam

You've Made The 5-billionth Search is a message presented on one of many scam pages. The target of such messages is to fool inexperienced users into thinking that they are the winners of unique giveaways. Being on this page, users can see a friendly-environment with lots of particles flying around to make the scam look much more authentic. It also displays information about previous winners (Brad Jenkins) with Samsung KU6179 Ultra HD TV. Users, who have ostensibly been nominated for the winning spots, are offered to randomly choose one of the 3 gifts. After doing so, the site will more likely redirect you to the prize page. Oftentimes this is a brand new iPhone or Samsung smartphones. If you accept the gift, you will face another fake web-site asking to enter personal details (name, delivery address, banking info, etc.). You should never give such information to web-sites that that. Otherwise, it can be collected and sold to cybercriminals for revenue purposes. Thus, if you see the "You've Made The 5-billionth Search" pop-up scam repeatedly, it is necessary to scan for unwanted software on your PC and delete it as soon as possible. Below, you will find instructions to do this.

How to remove “Windows Defender Security Center” pop-up scam

Windows Defender Security Center as a fake security message promoted on many scam pages. Such pages may look similar to official websites like Microsoft, but have no actual relation to them. A scheme like this has been employed by many cybercriminals to trick inexperienced users into downloading unreliable security software. The page shows some threats have been detected saying they are urgent to be addressed. Fraudulent figures ask their victims to call their customer line and get live guidelines on how to remove the threats. After reaching out to them, cybercriminals may tell you whatever they want and make users believe in fake information. It is more likely they will attempt to extort money for fake security software or other services that may be provided. In fact, your system might be fully safe and does not need any fix or assistance whatsoever. Thus, it is important to ignore messages like "Windows Defender Security Center". Note that scam pages may employ special scripts to prevent users from closing the page in traditional steps. If you face problems closing the visited website, try to force-quit your browser via Task Manager or simply reboot your PC, instead. In case you became a victim of a scam or cannot get rid of such messages, follow our guide to restore PC safety and remove all traces from unwanted software that could be unintentionally installed.

How to remove Key Tag

Also known as Tag Search, Key Tag is a browser hijacker designed to change your default search provider. Put differently, instead of having search queries redirected through regular engines like Google or, users are forced to face other dubious domains. Key Tag was spotted to navigate users' queries through two suspicious domains - and Such modifications assigned by hijackers are most likely used to generate illegal traffic and earn money from it. Also, Key Tag may use its capabilities to forward users to many potentially unwanted or dangerous pages. Resources of such may be designed to promote fake push notifications, dubious ads, or malicious software. Although Key Tag is not a virus itself, its capabilities are more than enough to make your PC face serious risks. Thus, we strongly advise you to immediately wipe its operation and restore a safe browsing experience. Do it using our full-fledged guide below.