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Articles about removing Windows lockers, Browser lockers, Crypto-viruses and other types of blackmailing threats.

How to remove LockBit Ransomware and decrypt .lockbit, .lock2bits or .abcd files

LockBit is a ransomware-type threat that attacks user's data with encryption algorithms and holds it locked until those pay a ransom. To do so, it retitles files with the .lockbit, .lock2bits or .abcd extensions. When finished, the malicious program will generate a text file named Restore-My-Files.txt. This file is saturated with the necessary steps that victims have to do in order to decrypt their data. Firstly, you have to contact cyber criminals via their e-mail, then they will instruct you on how to pay for the decryption software. Besides that, you are allowed to send them any blocked file (not more than 1 MB) so that they could show that they can be trusted. Despite this, it is not recommended to purchase something from extortionists since there have been multiple times when those did not keep their promises and fooled gullible users.

How to remove CryLock Ransomware and decrypt your files

CryLock Ransomware literally forces users to cry about their data that has been encrypted after sudden penetration. Being a variation of Cryakl Ransomware, this is one of the viruses of such type use cryptographic algorithms to ensure strong encryption and demand paying a ransom. Unlike other ransomware, that use one mutual extension for each file, this specific program assigns a new name to affected files that consist of cybercriminal's e-mail, victim's personal ID, and random three-digits extension. For instance, non-infected 1.mp4 will be retitled to 1.mp4[grand@horsef***][512064768-1578909375].ycs, 2.mp4[grand@horsef***][512064768-1578909375].wkm, and similarly. Some victims experienced a change like this 1.mp4[][sel1].[7478ECA4-42759A9D]. Once the process has finished, CryLock will display a window in front of victims that contains ransom details.

How to remove ColdLock Ransomware and decrypt .locked files

If you did not have the appropriate software to fend off ColdLock Ransomware in time, then your files might be already encrypted with the .locked extension. For example, the original 1.mp4 has been changed to 1.mp4.locked once ransomware stroke its configuration with RSA algorithms. Most of the time, decrypting files with third-parties tools is impossible and may be dangerous for them. This is why extortionists force you to buy their software by following the instructions mentioned in a file called How To Unlock Files.txt that is created after encryption. Unfortunately, buying the decryption key may put your finances under risk because cybercriminal activity cannot be trusted. Instead, delete ColdLock Ransomware to prevent further encryption and try to decrypt the affected data through the instructions below.

How to remove LeChiffre Ransomware and decrypt ._LeChiffre files

Translated as Cipher in French, LeChiffre is a relatively old ransomware-type virus discovered in 2015. Unlike other programs, it encrypts users' data by using Blowfish algorithms (instead of AES). After penetration, LeChiffre does a pure classic, it scans your disk for available files (like images, documents, etc.) stored on the system and encrypts them by changing extensions to .lechiffre. For example, the original 1.mp4 will be transformed into 1.mp4.lechiffre. Newer variations also add a random alphanumerical sequence to this suffix. Thereafter, the program creates an HTML file (_How to decrypt LeChiffre files.html) that is automatically opened in a browser or text file (_LeChiffre_BACKUPVO.txt). The note contains information on how to restore your data. To decrypt your files right now, you should contact frauds via the attached e-mail to get further instructions about the payment. Amazingly, but LeChiffre developers break all standards of typical ransomware and claim that they do not need your files and, if you want, you can retrieve them for free within 6 months. Luckily, LeChiffre has been known for a very long time meaning that the blocked data can be unlocked by up-to-date tools.

How to remove Paymen45 Ransomware and decrypt your files

Being produced by Everbe family, Paymen45 locks down multiple files that are stored on your system and force people to pay a ransom for data retrieval. It was discovered and described by individual Russian security researcher Amigo-A in his blog. Alike other malware of this type, there is no single extension that is applied to affected files. Instead, it uses a random combination of different symbols. The most reset variation looks like this: 1.mp4.g8R4rqWIp9. In this note, extortionists ask you to buy a decryption key (in BTC) through the attached link in the Tor browser. There is also a backup e-mail if you have any questions. If you refuse to buy their software, they intimidate that your data will be spread online. Cybercriminals are usually right when claiming that third-parties software cannot decrypt your files.

How to remove Mespinoza Ransomware and decrypt .locked, .pysa or .newversion files

Mespinoza continues incrementally cementing its name around ransomware developers and produced another variation called Pysa. This version acts like others - it strikes files stored on your system by locking them down with .pysa, .locked or .newversion extensions. For instance, 1.mp4 will be renamed to 1.mp4.pysa, 1.mp4.locked and so forth. Extortionists claim that they are the only figures who can decrypt your files and third-parties tools will not help you at all. In fact, it is true since most ransomware uses high-end algorithms that are tough-to-decrypt. The only solution looks to be contacting them via e-mail and purchasing the decryption key.

How to remove LokerAdmin Ransomware and decrypt .$$$ or .texyz files

If you no longer can access your data then this may be because of file-encryption virus that could suddenly penetrate your system. Being categorized as ransomware, LokerAdmin encrypts user's data by using AES algorithms and consequently demands a ransom in BTC to retrieve the locked files. LokerAdmin covers a range of data such as MS Office, PDFs, text files, images, music, videos, and archives which appear to be the most valuable for regular users. The encryption of files will visually result in icon and extension changes, internal changes are much more dramatic. First versions of the malware used .$$$ and .texyz suffixes. The latest variations switched to random 5-6 character alphanumerical sequences, like .8NWm8Y. For example, 1.mp4 will loose its original icon and migrate to 1.mp4.$$$ or 1.mp4.texyz file extensions. After successful encryption, the virus is hardwired for creating a note containing the ransom information (readme.txt).

How to remove Sadogo Ransomware and decrypt .encrypted files

If your data got locked and appended with the .encrypted extension, then you might be infected with Sadogo Ransomware which is a malicious program that encrypts victim's data. Sadogo and other similar malware infiltrate systems without the user's consent. Unfortunately, this kind of malware does not miss a single unit and encrypts everything stored on your PC. For example, the original file like 1.mp4 and others will be changed to 1.mp4.encrypted after penetration. Once Sadogo finished its major activity, it instantly drops a text file called readme.txt onto your desktop. Extortionists in this note claim that you should download the Tor browser and visit the attached link to purchase a decryption key. It is not recommended to trust swindlers, instead, delete Sadogo Ransomware and decrypt your data by following the guide below.