How to remove Balaclava (DavesSmith) Ransomware and decrypt .michael or .KEY0004 files
Balaclava is a ransomware-type family that has promoted multiple variations such as DavesSmith, Michael, and KEY0004 thus far. All of them encrypt files similarly - they scan your device for necessary files (images, videos, text files, documents, etc.) and retitle them with new extensions. For example, after successful encryption, the original 1.mp4 will change its name to 1.mp4.michael or 1.mp4.KEY0004 respectively. Earlier variations of the virus used .[] and To inform confused users, extortionists provide ransom information that is located in a note, that can be called either RECOVERY FILE.txt or HOW_TO_RECOVERY_FILES.txt on your desktop. To decrypt the locked data, you should send them an e-mail by attaching your personal identification. Then, you should pay a required fee that may vary significantly (from 100$ to 1000+).
How to remove Nyton Ransomware and decrypt .nyton files
Discovered in 2019, Nyton Ransomware is a dangerous virus that ruthlessly encrypts users' data. Likewise other ransomware, Nyton targets various sorts of files like images, videos, text documents, and others that will be locked after penetration. After encryption, Nyton changes the icons of all files/apps to blank sheets and assigns the .nyton extension. To illustrate, normal 1.mp4 files will be changed to 1.mp4.nyton after restriction. Unfortunately, the decryption of such files is often impossible. Even the best third-parties tools are not able to access the data because developers use sophisticated algorithms that make files unrecoverable. Besides that, once the program blocked the data, it instantly creates a ransom note on the desktop (!NYTON_HELP.TXT) that displays the information about encryption. Another victim's informant is the onion website web page.
How to remove Sfile Ransomware and decrypt .sfile2 or .sfile3 files
Alike others, Sfile Ransomware is a virus designed to encrypt files and hold them locked until the ransom is paid. Sfile has not been that popular around media discussions, but there are some users who have complained about its recent activity. After installation, the virus scans your device for multiple files and, once found, encrypts them by changing extensions to .sfile2 and .sfile3. To illustrate, the original 1.mp4 will be changed to 1.mp4.sfile2 or .sfile3 and become isolated as a result. To decrypt the ciphered data, you should contact cybercriminals through the e-mail attached in the ransom note that is created after encryption. Very often, after reaching out to frauds, they will claim a certain amount of cash that has to be paid within an allocated period of time unless you want the price to double up. Unfortunately, trusting extortionists is a huge risk because they might not unlock your data even after the purchase. Instead, we recommend uninstalling Sfile Ransomware from your computer and decrypting the data with third-parties tools.
How to remove Clown Ransomware and decrypt .clown+, .notfound or .DMR64 files
Everything you need to know about Clown Ransomware is that it is a malicious program that encrypts data with special algorithms and requires paying a ransom to decrypt it. Malware can be classified as one of the variations of BigBobRoss Ransomware. After infiltration, Clown will rename the stored data according to one of these patterns: [][id={random-8-digit-set}]1.mp4.clown+, [][id={random-8-digit-set}]1.jpg.notfound or [id={random-8-digit-set}]1.png.DMR64. Thereafter, it drops text files called HOW TO RECOVER ENCRYPTED FILES.txt and !!! READ THIS !!!.hta onto the victim's desktop. In this note, cybercriminals demand to contact them via e-mail by writing your ID in the subject. As a result, you are obliged to pay a specific fee in BTC to retrieve your data unless you want it to remain locked forever because third-parties tools are often unable to break appended ciphers.
How to remove GoGoogle Ransomware and decrypt .google files
GoGoogle is a ransomware-type virus that encrypts users' data with cryptographic algorithms. Note that it has no correlation with Google Services. Those who get infected with programs of such type, experience immediate data encryption that undergoes a couple of changes. Firstly, the affected files get appended with new .google extension, cybercriminal's e-mail, and victim's ID. For instance, the original 1.mp4 will be renamed to or after penetration. After that, GoGoogle drops the FileRecovery.txt text note with ransom information. Inside the message, extortionists strongly insist on not attempting to unblock your data manually since this can lead to permanent loss. Instead, you should contact them via e-mail and pay for the guaranteed key that will decrypt your data. Unfortunately, trusting cyber criminals is a huge risk because they can dump you easily and not recover your files.
How to remove Rhino Ransomware and decrypt .rhino files
Being part of DCRTR-WDM Ransomware family, Rhino Ransomware is a malicious program that stealthily infiltrates systems and encrypts data stored on them. Likewise other ransomware-type programs, Rhino attacks files by appending new .rhino extension (with cybercriminal's e-mail) and creating a text file afterward. For example, if the original 1.mp4 gets interfered with Rhino Ransomware, it will be changed to 1.mp4.[].rhino. After the virus encrypted your data, it drops the info.hta file in the
folder and the ReadMe_Decryptor.txt file on a desktop. The information contained in the note explains how to decrypt your data. To do so, you have to contact them via their e-mail and pay for the decryption software in Bitcoin. Additionally, there has been a very popular method around developers to cultivate the trust of victims - they allow them to send 1 file (less than 500 Kb) for free decryption. Unfortunately, unlocking data with third-parties tools is typically impossible unless ransomware has flaws or bugs. How to remove VoidCrypt Ransomware and decrypt .void files
Suspected to be another version of STOP (DJVU) Ransomware, VoidCrypt is a malicious program that encrypts personal data with the .void extension. Originally, this virus used to have the .dewar extension until it has been upgraded to ".void". To be honest, there is no difference between them because the encryption process looks precisely the same. After successful encryption, the standard 1.mp4 will be renamed to 1.mp4.[][ID-EJHPFWKYCNQ5***].void which includes cybercriminal's e-mail and a unique ID. After that, VoidCrypt creates a text-like notification, that informs users about encryption. After finishing the encryption process ransomware creates and opens the following ransom note, called Decryption-Info.HTA .
How to remove ZyNoXiOn Ransomware and decrypt .ZyNoXiOn files
ZyNoXiOn is a file-encrypting virus that leaves significant damage after its penetration. Such programs are categorized as ransomware and restrict access to files by applying strong algorithms. All of the affected data get appended with .ZyNoXiOn extension. This means that a typical file like 1.mp4 will be changed to 1.mp4.ZyNoXiOn and reset its icon. Once the encryption process is done, users are facing the text file named HOW TO DECRYPT FILES.txt that contains ransom information. Unfortunately, in most cases, you cannot decrypt data without the involvement of cybercriminals. This is why extortionists propose paying 0.13 BTC (roughly 900 USD) through the attached link to obtain special keys that will unlock the encrypted files. Once done, you have to contact them via their e-mail to get the promised tools. Luckily, with the help of contemporary tools designed by world-class laboratories, it is possible to delete ZyNoXiOn Ransomware and decrypt the infected data.