How to remove Obfuscated (BigBobRoss) Ransomware and decrypt .obfuscated, .cheetah, .encryptedALL or .djvu files
Obfuscated Ransomware (BigBobRoss Ransomware) is dangerous encryption virus, that uses AES-128 encryption algorithm to cipher user's files. After successful encryption it appends .obfuscated, .cheetah, .encryptedALL or .djvu extensions (latest versions also add prefix [id={8-digit-code}]). Obfuscated Ransomware creates ransom note called Read me.txt, and puts it on the desktop and in the folders with encoded data. It also modifies desktop wallpaper, placing text on white background. Malefactors allow to decrypt 1 files under 1 Mb of size for free, as a proof of operability. Obfuscated Ransomware attacks sensible files, such as photos, videos, documents, databases, etc. Virus focuses on English-speaking users, which does not prevent spread throughout the world. The first victims are from Moldova. It is currently unknown, how much they want for decryption. Of course, we do not to pay the ransom, as there are many cases when hackers don't send master keys or decryptors. There is still a chance decryption tool will be released by antivirus companies or security enthusiasts.
How to remove MegaLocker Ransomware and decrypt .crypted or .NamPoHyu files
MegaLocker Ransomware (NamPoHyu Virus) is new ransomware virus, that encrypts data from sites, servers, using AES-128 (CBC mode), and then requires $250 ransom for individuals ($1000 for companies) in BTC to return files. Any Windows computers, Linux devices and Android devices connected to computers and network devices used to access the Internet are subject to attack. After encryption MegaLocker adds .crypted or .NamPoHyu extensions to affected files. MegaLocker Ransomware was first spotted in March, 2019, when multiple sources stated they were infected with MegaLocker Virus, that encrypted files on NAS devices with .crypted extension. In April, 2019 name was changed to NamPoHyu Virus and now .NamPoHyu extension is appended. Developers are from Russia (or Russian-speaking country). It is not recommended to pay the ransom to malefactors as there is no guarantee, they will send decryptor in return. Paying the ransom also stimulates the hackers to run malvertising campaign and infect new victims.
How to remove GandCrab v5.3 Ransomware and decrypt your files
GandCrab v5.3 Ransomware is probably imposter of original GandCrab Ransomware family. However, it still encrypts files in similar fashion to GandCrab v5.2 Ransomware. Encrypted files get .[5-6-7-8-random-letters] extension and ransom note file has different name: [5-6-7-8-random-letters]-MANUAL.txt, however, still looks identical to previous generation. After debugging executable files security specialists find ironical comments "Jokeroo, new ransom", "We rulez!!". Jokeroo is a new Ransomware-as-a-Service, that is promoted on underground hacking sites and via Twitter that allows affiliates to allegedly gain access to a fully functional ransomware and payment server. GandCrab Ransomware grows into separate industry, where people with bad intentions and basic computer knowledge can earn money with this criminal schemes. Some of the previous versions of GandCrab Ransomware could be decrypted with speciql decryptor from BitDefender, we will provide download link for this tool below.
How to remove Planetary Ransomware and decrypt .mira, .yum, .neptune or .pluto files
Planetary Ransomware is harmful file-encrypting virus, that blocks access to user's files by encoding them and adding .mira, .yum, .neptune or .pluto extensions. After encryption malware developers extort ransom to be paid in bitcoins. Planetary Ransomware creates ransom note called !!!READ_IT!!!.txt, where decryption routine and contact information are described. As our experience shows, ransom varies between $500 and $1500. Malefactors send cryptocurrency wallets to receive payment in Bitcoins or Ethereum. There are no way to track the payments, as such wallets are anonymous. Of course, we never advise to pay the ransom, as there are many cases when hackers don't send master keys or decryptors. There is still a chance decryption tool will be released by antivirus companies or security enthusiasts.
How to remove Matrix Ransomware and decrypt .PEDANT, .ITLOCK, .SPCT or .PLANT files
Matrix Ransomware is ransomware virus that encrypts user files with either symmetric or asymmetric cryptography. It adds .matrix extension to encrypted files. After finishing encryption process, Matrix creates a text file matrix-readme.rtf or Readme-Matrix.rtf. Virus places this files in every folder with affected files. This text file contains instruction to pay the ransom, where malefactors encourage users to contact them via e-mails:, or
How to remove Cr1ptT0r Ransomware and decrypt your files
Cr1ptT0r Ransomware is new type of ransomware, that uses network disk array vulnerability to infect user's computers. This crypto ransomware encrypts data on network (cloud, NAS, Network Attached Storage) storage using a special encryption algorithm, and then requires a ransom of ~ 0.3 BTC to return files. Original title Cr1ptT0r is indicated in the ransom note and on the page on the OpenBazaar website. Developers call themselves a Cr1ptT0r team. The ELF ARM binary is used for Linux systems with a focus on embedded devices, but depending on the manufacturer it can be adapted for Windows. Virus creates 2 files: _FILES_ENCRYPTED_README.txt and _cr1ptt0r_support.txt. The Sodium crypto library and the asymmetric encryption algorithm "curve25519xsalsa20poly1305" (Curve25519, Salsa20, Poly1305) are used for encryption. The open 256-bit encryption key is located in the cr1ptt0r_logs.txt file, which also stores the list of encrypted files, and it is also added to the end of the encrypted files, just before the marker. Cr1ptT0r Ransomware uses the OpenBazaar site to "support" the affected and selling the decoder. There are no decryption tool available yet, however, using instructions in this article can help you recover encrypted files. Follow the guide below to remove Cr1ptT0r Ransomware and decrypt your files in Windows 10, 8/8.1, Windows 7.
How to remove STOP Ransomware and decrypt .adobe or .adobee files
This particular sample of Adobe Ransomware is, in fact, a continuation of STOP Ransomware family. This virus attacks files, that can be important for average user, like documents, photos, databases, music, enciphers them with AES encryption and adds .adobe (one "e" in the end), .adobee (two "e"s in the end) extensions to affected files. This creates a mess, because there are several different ransomware families using this extension after encryption. All these viruses use different algorithms, however .adobe files encrypted by STOP Ransomware can be deciphered using STOPDecrypter (provided below). Unlike previous versions, this one gives clear information about the cost of decryption, which is $980 (or $490 if it is paid within 72 hours). However, this is just a trick, to encourage people to pay the ransom. Often authors of the ransomware don't send any decryptor. We recommend you to remove executables of STOP Ransomware and use decryption tools available for .adobe files.
How to remove GandCrab v5.2 Ransomware and decrypt your files
GandCrab v5.2 Ransomware was released just few hours before Europol, Romanian Police and Bitdefender released full-functional decryption tool for all previous versions of virus, up to GandCrab v5.1 Ransomware. Updated version of GandCrab adds .[5-6-7-8-9-10-random-letters] extension and ransom note file will get such name: [5-6-7-8-9-10-random-letters]-DECRYPT.txt and [random-letters]-DECRYPT.html. It is reported that many IT companies and managed service providers have been infected and affected by the GandCrab Ransomware. Some of the previous versions had decryptor from BitDefender, we will provide download link for this tool below. There is a possibility, that program will be updated to work with GandCrab v5.2 Ransomware. Meanwhile, we recommend you to use standard Windows functions, such as shadow copies, previous versions of files, restore point to attempt recovering your files. Using special file-recovery software often helps to restore many files, remover by the user earlier and not touched by the virus.