Also known as Exo Android Bot, Exobot is a dangerous and highly-disruptive piece of malicious software designed to infiltrate Android devices. Exobot is similar to functions carried out by many banking trojans. In essence, it settles within a system and performs a number of phishing actions aimed at extracting valuable information from users (e.g. bank card credentials; passwords, log-ins, and even identity information). It does so by accessing Accessibility Services and manipulating an infected device through WiFi or Mobile networks. Alternatively, if there is no internet connection available, Exobot, is also capable of performing device control through SMS messages, which expands its abuse potential. In order to trick users into entering their credentials, cybercriminals may create simulated layers of popular apps (Google Play; WhatsApp, Viber, etc.) that pop on the screen and hardly differ from authentic ones. Smartphone trojans are usually granted extensive permissions giving full freedom to threat actors on what they can do. This includes forced device locking, blocked access to certain applications, screen capture, SMS management, microphone, and camera manipulation along with other compromising features as well. Exobot is especially known for the botnet feature allowing developers to link a number of infected devices and control them together from the same server to execute malicious steps. In conclusion, malware like Exobot is very devastating as it may lead you to deal with serious privacy issues, financial risks, downgraded device performance, or even identity theft. Thus, we recommend you follow our guidelines below and get rid of this virus as soon as you are able to.