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How to remove Scarab Ransomware and decrypt .oblivion, .xtbl or .amnesia files

Scarab Ransomware is a large family of international file-encrypting virus-extortionist. It has multiple versions and languages and attacks computers all over the world. Scarab Ransomware has typical malicious activity: it encrypts user files using AES encryption and demans ransom for decryption. Latest versions of this malware add .oblivion, .xtbl, or .amnesia extensions and modify filenames using randomly-generated alphanumeric sequence.

How to remove Hermes (2.0 – 2.1) Ransomware and decrypt .hrm files

Hermes Ransomware wide-spread family of crypto-viruses. There have been 2 major updates of initial ransomware - Hermes 2.0 Ransomware and Hermes 2.1 Ransomware. All variants use AES-256 encryption algorithm combined with RSA-2048. First version did not add any extensions and modified only content of the files by adding HERMES file-marker. Last version started to append .hrm suffix, but then just encrypted files without filename modification. After encryption, ransomware creates text files DECRYPT_INFO.txt and DECRYPT_INFORMATION.html, that contains message with instructions to pay the ransom and contact details. You can see the contents of this files below in the next paragraph.

How to remove CryptXXX Ransomware and decrypt .crypt, .cryp1 or .crypz files

CryptXXX is ransomware crypto-virus. It encrypts user personal data with AES CBC 256-bit algorithm and asks for RSA-4096 key. Actually, CryptXXX Ransomware also steals bitcoins stored on the computer if there are any. Virus modifies names and extension of all encrypted files to .crypt, .cryp1 or .crypz, changes desktop wallpaper using de_crypt_readme.bmp (image with black background and white text), creates text file with instructions to pay the ransom (de_crypt_readme.txt), and html file with the same instructions (de_crypt_readme.html). Ransom is about 1.2 BitCoins or $400. CryptXXX Ransomware attacks data on local drives and attached storage devices.

How to remove GandCrab2 Ransomware and decrypt .CRAB files

GandCrab2 Ransomware is a virus, that uses AES (CBC-mode) algorithm to encrypt user files. During the process ransomware adds .CRAB extension to encrypted files. Following successful encryption, GandCrab2 creates CRAB-DECRYPT.txt file. Unfortunately, due to using TOR payment pages, NameCoin servers and cryptocurrency, there is no way to track the hackers, unless they make a mistake. Decryption key of previous version of GandCrab became public due to data leakage from their servers. GandCrab2 Ransomware asks 0.5 - 0.8 Dash (cryptocurrency) , which is less then before, however it still can estimate from several hundreds to more than thousand dollars.

How to remove Arrow Ransomware and decrypt .arrow files

Arrow Ransomware is new file encryption virus from Dharma/Crysis Ransomware family. Malware uses AES encryption. Unlike previous versions, it appends .arrow extension to all encrypted files. Arrow Ransomware encodes almost all types of files that can be important to users, including documents, images, videos, databases, archives. Arrow Ransomware demands from $1000 to $2000 in BitCoins for the decryption key, that they actually rarely send out. Currently, decryption is not possible, however, you can decrypt your files from backups or trying file recovery software. There is also a slight possibility, that you will decrypt your files using tips and tricks described in this article.

How to remove Thor Ransomware and decrypt .thor files

Thor Ransomware is the newest version of the file-encryption virus. It comes from "Locky" ransomware family, that uses asymmetric cryptography (RSA-2048 and AES-128 encryption algorithms) and appends various file extensions to encrypted files. This family uses names of Thor comics character: .locky, .odin or some other random names. Now it uses .thor extension, and modifies the name to the set of 32 random letters and numbers. Technically, new virus uses same technology, but updated security keys, so old decryptors won't work. Ransom amount is the same: 3 BitCoins. Thor ransomware substitutes desktop background with image with information about the infection and instructions to pay the ransom.

How to remove Cerber Ransomware and decrypt .cerber files

Cerber is ransomware virus that uses AES encryption to encrypt user files. Usually it affects documents, photos, images, music, games and other types of personal data. Cerber adds .cerber extension to all encrypted files. Targeting personal information helps them to demand ransom ($500) for decryption. As there are no 100% working free decryption tools available many users pay the ransom to restore their files.

How to boot in Safe Mode

Sometimes malware process or service blocks all your attempts to remove virus, trojan, worm by blocking access to Task Manager, Registry Editor, Services and does not allow you to uninstall itself from Control Panel, to remove files and folders, to stop malicious processes.