How to remove BlackClaw Ransomware and decrypt .apocalypse or .bclaw files
BlackClaw is a recent ransomware infection that uses AES and RSA algorithms to encrypt user's data. Some experts similized it with another file-encrypting virus called Billy's Apocalypse"because of similar ransom note details, however, as research continued, it turned out that there is no correlation with it. BlackClaw is an independent piece that assigns .apocalypse extension to encrypted files. For example, a file like
will suffer a change to 1.mp4.apocalypse
. After these changes have been applied, users no longer have access to their data. The next step of BlackClaw after blocking data is dropping a text file (RECOVER YOUR FILES.hta or RECOVER YOUR FILES.txt) that notifies people about encryption. To decrypt files, users have to give 50$ over to bitcoin address mentioned in the note and contact extortionists via the Telegram channel. Thereafter, victims will supposedly get a decryption tool to restore locked files. Although 50$ is not that big amount for ransomware developers, there is still a risk of being fooled and ignored by cyber criminals after making a payment. How to remove Dharma-GNS Ransomware and decrypt .GNS files
Determined by Jakub Kroustek, GNS Ransomware belongs to the Dharma family that encrypts users' data and demands a certain fee to get it back. Likewise other Dharma versions, GNS applies a string of symbols including victim's ID, cybercriminal's email (, and .GNS extension at the end. If an original file like
gets configured by GNS, it will be renamed to[].GNS
or similarly. The next stage after encryption is presenting victims with detailed instructions on the decryption process. These are incorporated in the FILES ENCRYPTED.txt file or a pop-up window that comes after encryption. Choosing to pay a ransom is also a huge risk since most people get scammed and do not receive promised tools as a result. Our guide below will teach you how to deal with such infections like GNS and create better soil for being protected in the future. How to remove Oled-Makop Ransomware and decrypt .oled, .makop, .btc or .shootlock files
Oled-Makop Ransomware is a type of virus that aims at encrypting multiple files and demanding a payment to get decryption software. All of these symptoms are part of ransomware operation. Once installed, it is configured to cipher various kinds of data ranging from videos, images, text files, PDFs to others. Then, the isolated files are suffering a couple of changes: firstly, they change their extensions to .[].oled or .[].makop (.[].makop)and reset their icons to clean sheets. For example, normal 1.mp4 will be transformed into 1.mp4.[].makop immediately after the penetration. After that, the program creates a ransom note, called readme-warning.txt, where developers explain why your data was locked and how to recover it. To incept their trust, they are offering to decrypt one simple file with .jpg, .xls and .doc extensions (not over 1 MB) by sending it via a given e-mail as well as proceeding a payment to get a "scanner-decoder" program. Very often, decryption with third-parties tools is impossible without the involvement of malware developers. However, it does not mean that you have to gift them money since there is a risk that they will not keep their promises. Instead, you should delete Oled-Makop Ransomware from your computer to ensure further safety and recover the lost data from an external backup if possible.
How to remove Ragnar Locker Ransomware and decrypt .ragnar or .ragn@r files
Ragnar Locker is a malicious piece classified as ransomware that encrypts personal data and disables the work of installed programs like ConnectWise and Kaseya, which provide solutions for many Windows services, including data recovery, ransomware protection, and other ways to secure privacy. This is made to slacken the ability of the system to counter ransomware infection. In fact, you will not spot these changes and your data will be locked instantly. The way Ragnar Locker encrypts user's files is by assigning the .ragnar (or .ragn@r) extension with random characters. For instance, the original file named
will be retitled to 1.mp4.ragnar_0FE49CCB
and reset its icon as well. After the encryption process gets to a close, Ragnar Locker creates a text file named according to the combination used for encrypted files (RGNR_0FE49CCB.txt). Unfortunately, attempting to use third-parties utilities for decryption, may injure data and lead to its permanent loss. Therefore, the best way to retrieve files for free is to delete Ragnar Locker Ransomware and restore blocked files from backup (USB-storage), if possible. How to remove 39 viruses were found pop-up (Windows/Mac/Android/iOS)
If you witness 39 viruses were found window after booting the browser, then this is because your computer is being disrupted by adware or other viruses. The "39 viruses were found" pop-up has been spotted targetting all Apple products such as Mac, iPhone, iPad, however, it also appears on Windows and Android devices. The virus can affect Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox or Edge browsers. The intrusive tab claims that your computer is infected with 39 viruses and needs urgent recovery. Unlike other similar scammers, the pop-up tries to intimidate inexperienced users by saying that you should delete the found threats within 2 minutes, otherwise, they will obliterate all of the files stored on your PC. In fact, the pop-up imitates huge troubles meaning that your device might be completely secure and virus-free. Depending on what device was infected, the message may also vary individually. Such messages are basically meant to convince users that their pcs are damaged therefore forcing into spending money on fake anti-malware tools that will ostensibly solve the detected issues.
How to remove CONTI Ransomware and decrypt .CONTI files
CONTI is a ransomware-type virus that encrypts user's data and keeps it locked until the ransom is paid. Some security experts indicate, that it can be a successor or Ryuk Ransomware. Whilst the encryption is being made, all files including photos, videos, documents, and other regular data will be altered with the new .CONTI extension. This means that the affected files will look like 1.mp4.CONTI or similarly depending on the original name. After this, successful encryption is followed up with a text file (CONTI_README.txt) that is dropped on the desktop of victims. For the moment, it is almost unreal to decrypt your files for free with the help of additional tools. If possible, you can restore your data from backup storage that was created before the infection. Either way, we recommend you to get rid of CONTI Ransomware to prevent further encryptions.
How to remove WastedLocker Ransomware and decrypt .***wasted files
WastedLocker is a file-encrypting malware categorized as ransomware. Programs within this category block access to stored data and require paying a fee to get decryption tools. When ransomware gets settled on your system, all files (videos, images, documents, text files, etc.) will be updated with new extensions. There is a range of extensions used by WastedLocker to highlight encrypted files. Most basic variants include 3 random letters alongside .***wasted extension at the end. For example, files affected by WastedLocker might get a new look of 1.mp4.bbawasted, 1.mp4.rlhwasted or similar. After this, unlike other ransomware that use one common note to explain ransom details, WastedLocker creates separate notes for each infected file. The best thing you can do safe and definite is to get rid of WastedLocker and try to recover data from external backups, if possible. Follow our guide below to find out how.
How to remove Fonix Ransomware and decrypt .fonix, .repter or .XINOF files
Also known as FonixCrypter, Fonix Ransomware is an infection, that uses Salsa20 and RSA 4098 algorithms to restrict data accessibility. It encrypts the stored files of various formats - photos, videos, documents, audios, and others that seem to be valuable around regular users. Along the encryption process, the virus assigns compound extensions including e-mail of cybercriminals, personal ID, and .fonix extension at the end. Some versions of Fonix exploit other extensions like .repter and .XINOF. For example, a file like
will be transformed into 1.mp4.EMAIL=[]ID=[1E857D00].Fonix
and reset its shortcut as well. It is said that no third-parties tools will be able to decrypt your files because their key is stored on cybercriminal's servers. Instead, developers propose you to buy their decryption key in Bitcoin. If you fail to do this within 2 days, your fee will be doubled immediately. Also, they offer detailed info on how to convert money to BTC in case you have never done it before. As a consolation bonus, extortionists provide decryption of 1 small file for free. Despite this, it is dangerous to pay for the key, because they tend to dumb gullible users, as statistics say. Unfortunately, it is true that there are no feasible methods to unlock files encrypted by Fonix Ransomware. The best way to restore it is by using an external backup of lost files, if possible.