How to remove STOP (Puma) Ransomware and decrypt .puma, .pumax or .pumas files
Puma Ransomware, that started to hit thousands of computers in November, 2018, is, actually, nothing but another variation of STOP Ransomware. Current version appends .puma, .pumax or .pumas extensions to encrypted files, and that is why it has such nickname. Virus uses the same name for ransom note file: !readme.txt. Developers tried to confuse ransomware identification services and users by adding new extensions, but using the same templates, code and other signs unequivocally indicate belonging to a certain family. As we see from the name of the executable: updatewin.exe, it pretends to be a Windows update. Puma (STOP) Ransomware still uses RSA-1024 encryption algorithm. Current version of Puma Ransomware was developed in Visual Studio 2017.
How to remove KMSPico virus
KMSPico is illegal tool for unauthorized activation of Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office and other products from this corporation. KMS (Key Management System) is technology, used by Microsoft to activate their software and services using local network or remote servers. It allows permanent activation and temporary (180 days) activation, which allows users to prolong unlawful usage of paid products. KMSPico can be categorized as hacktool for using pirated software. However, it is often bundled with RAT (Remote Access Trojan), PUP (potentially unwanted programs), adware or viruses. This allows hackers to obtain user's private information, such as passwords, credit card information and other. Malefactors can also create botnets from computers infected with KMSPico.
How to remove Everbe 2.0 Ransomware and decrypt .lightning or files
Everbe 2.0 Ransomware is second generation of wide-spread Everbe Ransomware. It is file-encryption virus, that encrypts user files using combination of AES (or DES) and RSA-2048 encryption algorithms and then extorts certain amount in BitCoins for decryption. The initial virus first appeared in March, 2018 and was very active since that time. Security researchers consider, that Everbe 2.0 Ransomware started its distribution on 4th of July 2018. Everbe 2.0 Ransomware authors demand from $300 to $1500 in BTC (BitCoins) for decryption, but offer to decrypt any 3 files for free. It is worth mentioning, that Everbe 2.0 Ransomware works only on Windows 64-bit versions of OS. Currently, there is no decryption tools available for Everbe 2.0 Ransomware, however, we recommend you to try using instructions and tools below.
How to remove GandCrab v5.0.4 Ransomware and decrypt .[random-letters] files
GandCrab V4 Ransomware fourth generation of notorious GandCrab Ransomware. Virus uses complex combination of AES-256 (CBC-mode), RSA-2048 and Salsa20 encryption algorithms. This particular version adds .KRAB extension to encrypted files and creates slightly different ransom note called KRAB-DECRYPT.txt. GandCrab V4 Ransomware demands ransom in BitCoins. Usually, it varies from $200 to $1000. Malware encrypts all types of files except ones in the whitelist and some necessary for Windows operation. All photos, documents, videos, databases get exncrypted after indection. Virus uses WMIC.exe shadowcopy delete command to remove shadow copies and reduce the chances of recovery. Unfortunately, at the moment we write this article, current decryption tools cannot decrypt GandCrab V4 Ransomware, but we will still provide links to this utilities as they can be updated any day.
How to remove Qweuirtksd Ransomware and decrypt .qweuirtksd files
Qweuirtksd Ransomware is dangerous ransomware-type virus, that encrypts user files using AES-128 cryptography algorithm and demands $500 ransom in Bitcoins for decryption. All files encrypted by this malware receive .qweuirtksd extension. In most cases, Qweuirtksd Ransomware is initiated after manual (or semi-automatic) hacking of the computer. Attacks are coming from IP adresses in Russia, and according to the information on BleepingComputer forum malefactors are russians. Hackers offer to negotiate to reduce ransom amount for private users. We do not recommend to pay the ransom and attempt restoring encrypted files with help of instructions on this page.
How to remove Dharma-AUDIT Ransomware and decrypt .AUDIT files
AUDIT Ransomware is yet another version of notorious ransomware virus from Crysis-Dharma-Cezar family. Now it adds .AUDIT extension to encrypted files (please, do not confuse with Nessus Pro's report files). This variation of ransomware currently doesn't have decryptor, however, we recommend you to try instructions below to recover affected files. Dharma-AUDIT Ransomware appends suffix, that consists of several parts, such as: unique user's id, developer's e-mail address and, finally, .AUDIT suffix, from which it got its name. The pattern of filename modification looks like this: file called 1.doc will be converted to{8-digit-id}.[{email-address}].AUDIT. According to our information, hackers demand $10000 ransom from the victims. Bad news are, that using cryptocurrency and TOR-hosted payment websites makes it almost impossible to track the payee. Besides, victims of such viruses often get scammed, and malefactors don't send any keys even after paying the ransom. Unfortunately, manual or automatic decryption is impossible unless ransomware was developed with mistakes or has certain execution errors, flaws or vulnerabilities. We do not recommend to pay any money to malefactors. However, good news are, that often, after some period of time security specialists from antivirus companies or individual researchers decode the algorithms and release decryption keys or police finds servers and unveils the master keys.
How to remove CryptConsole 3 Ransomware and decrypt your files
CryptConsole 3 Ransomware is the successor of CryptConsole and CryptConsole 2 ransomware viruses. This crypto-extortionist encrypts data on servers and PCs using AES, and then requires a ransom of 0.14 BTC (or sometimes $50) to return files. Virus was created on C# for the Microsoft .NET Framework. The third generation of CryptConsole started spreading in June, 2018. Most of variations extort 50$. They offer to decrypt 1 file for free, but the overall cost will then increase on 50$. Mention that CryptConsole 1 and CryptConsole 2 can be decrypted with a tool developed by Michael Gillespie (download below). The third version is currently undecryptable. You can restore files form bacckups, but if you don't have backups, follow instructions below to attmempt restoring files using standard Windows featutes or using file-recovery software.
How to remove GANDCRAB V5.0.5 Ransomware and decrypt .[5-6-7-8-9-random-letters] files
GandCrab V5.0.5 Ransomware is fifth generation of high-risk GandCrab Ransomware. Probably, this virus was developed in Russia. This crypto-extortor encrypts user and server data using the Salsa20 algorithm, and RSA-2048 is used for auxiliary key encryption. 5-th version appends .[5-random-letters] extension to encrypted files and creates ransom note called [5-random-letters]-DECRYPT.txt. Examples of ransom notes: VSVDV-DECRYPT.html, FBKDP-DECRYPT.html, IBAGX-DECRYPT.html, QIKKA-DECRYPT.html. GandCrab V5.0.5 Ransomware demands $800 ransom in BitCoins or DASH cryptocurrencies for decryption. However, often, malefactors deceive users and don't send keys. Thus, victim won't recover her/his files, but put credentials at risk on doubtful exchange of cryptocurrencies.